Whether you are in the planning stages or are ready to retire now, get some tips and helpful advice for a successful retirement life.

Tag: retirement planning

  • Legacy in relation to retirement – how to achieve it

      Have you ever thought about what your legacy would be when you die? I know, that sounds a bit like a morbid question to ask a total stranger, right? But seriously, most of us go through life for the most part trying to survive and take care of ourselves and our families, but what… Read more

  • Find a hobby in retirement to beat the blues

    When you hear the word hobby, what does it make you think of first? Maybe something like stamp collecting, scrapbooking, reading, things that most people do that are sedentary for the most part. Hey, nothing wrong with being sedentary sometimes, I like to kick back and relax as much as the next person! But after… Read more

  • Are you retiring before or after your spouse?

    Another thing to consider is if you are married, or living together as a couple, have you thought about who might retire first? How does the other person feel about that? For most couples it isn’t practical or convenient to retire at the same time, or even the same year in most cases, unless you… Read more

  • Retire earlier if you have health issues – maximize your time!

    There are many things to consider when you want to decide when to retire, but one of the most important considerations is your health. When we are healthy and everything is going fine in our lives, there is nothing further from our mind than continuing to live our lives the way we always have. However,… Read more

  • Retirement reasons – are there reasons for not wanting to retire?

     Are there reasons for not wanting to retire? Yes! Maybe most of us simply assume that everyone really, really wants to retire as soon as possible, right? I always thought that was just the way things were. However, I’m finding out that there are people out in the world who simply love their careers so… Read more

  • How to maximize your money in retirement

    How can I maximize the money I have? Very carefully, of course! There are ways to make your money last much longer, and once you start to consider retiring it’s a foregone conclusion that you have to start doing exactly that. This is one of the hardest things to get used to for some folks,… Read more

  • Be bold in retirement – reinvent yourself for better life

     Act your age? Why start now! There is no reason you can’t just reinvent yourself and change the way you look at the world. With so many changes in our world lately, we all need to explore new things, create new identities, new interests that we can find to make life more enjoyable. You can… Read more

  • Life and retirement – what a long, strange trip it’s been! With more to come, too

    When we think about our lives being a long and almost unimaginable journey, it is almost overwhelming isn’t it? The year I turned 65 I just couldn’t believe that I had survived this long on the planet Earth, still intact (relatively) and mostly sane (some would debate that statement). But what will the future hold… Read more

  • Retirement – the perfect time to enjoy life to the fullest!

    When we’re young, we don’t really have a filter on our thoughts about what we want to be when we grow up. I wanted at one time to be a professional tennis player, since that was what I felt passionate about in high school. Of course, the reality set in when I found out how… Read more

  • Is fear holding you back from retirement?

    So, you have been working for about 40 years now, give or take a decade or so. Honestly, do you not want to retire at this point? Most people I’ve spoken to get a feeling of total freedom once they have retired, and freedom is the best feeling in the world from what I have… Read more