Whether you are in the planning stages or are ready to retire now, get some tips and helpful advice for a successful retirement life.

Tag: retirement made simple

  • Retirement – The hard truth about finances and having enough

    The question on everyone’s mind when they are looking into retirement, is “do I have enough money”? This question troubles many people, including myself, for some time. But worrying about the problem does nothing to alleviate it, it just adds to the stress in your life and probably adds some grey hair to your head… Read more

  • The Biggest Regrets Retired People Have (and how to avoid them)

    Retirement is often seen as the golden phase of life, where people finally get to relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor. However, for many retirees, it’s also a time of reflection—and for some, regret. As they look back on their lives, they identify missed opportunities, decisions they wish they had made differently, and… Read more

  • Retirement Socializing – How and why to focus on this more

    If you have done any reading at all about the importance of socialization in retirement, you most likely have read that it’s very important for several reasons – better health and longevity, increased happiness overall, and a sure-fire way to beat depression caused by loneliness. While there is a growing body of research suggesting a… Read more

  • Retirement conundrum – what to do when I retire?

      Most people spend their entire lives making money, which of course is needed to survive and have the things we want in life such as a house, nice car, etc. and to pay for raising our kids. But the entire time we are working, our minds are occupied with the thought of the next… Read more

  • Legacy in relation to retirement – how to achieve it

      Have you ever thought about what your legacy would be when you die? I know, that sounds a bit like a morbid question to ask a total stranger, right? But seriously, most of us go through life for the most part trying to survive and take care of ourselves and our families, but what… Read more

  • Retire earlier if you have health issues – maximize your time!

    There are many things to consider when you want to decide when to retire, but one of the most important considerations is your health. When we are healthy and everything is going fine in our lives, there is nothing further from our mind than continuing to live our lives the way we always have. However,… Read more

  • Retirement reasons – are there reasons for not wanting to retire?

     Are there reasons for not wanting to retire? Yes! Maybe most of us simply assume that everyone really, really wants to retire as soon as possible, right? I always thought that was just the way things were. However, I’m finding out that there are people out in the world who simply love their careers so… Read more

  • Be bold in retirement – reinvent yourself for better life

     Act your age? Why start now! There is no reason you can’t just reinvent yourself and change the way you look at the world. With so many changes in our world lately, we all need to explore new things, create new identities, new interests that we can find to make life more enjoyable. You can… Read more

  • Life and retirement – what a long, strange trip it’s been! With more to come, too

    When we think about our lives being a long and almost unimaginable journey, it is almost overwhelming isn’t it? The year I turned 65 I just couldn’t believe that I had survived this long on the planet Earth, still intact (relatively) and mostly sane (some would debate that statement). But what will the future hold… Read more

  • Why do you want to retire?

    That may seem like an obvious thing to answer, like who doesn’t love the idea of not working any longer? But if you really give it some thought it’s not so obvious. Most people may not love their jobs (it’s been said that anywhere between 50-85% of people in the US are not satisfied with… Read more