Whether you are in the planning stages or are ready to retire now, get some tips and helpful advice for a successful retirement life.

Tag: keys to retirement

  • Be bold in retirement – reinvent yourself for better life

     Act your age? Why start now! There is no reason you can’t just reinvent yourself and change the way you look at the world. With so many changes in our world lately, we all need to explore new things, create new identities, new interests that we can find to make life more enjoyable. You can… Read more

  • Life and retirement – what a long, strange trip it’s been! With more to come, too

    When we think about our lives being a long and almost unimaginable journey, it is almost overwhelming isn’t it? The year I turned 65 I just couldn’t believe that I had survived this long on the planet Earth, still intact (relatively) and mostly sane (some would debate that statement). But what will the future hold… Read more

  • What is the sweet spot for your retirement? Money vs Time – the ultimate question

    When you are considering when to retire, there is usually the typical question of “do I have enough money” – which is for almost everyone the most important question to ask. However, you should also be asking “how much time do I have left to do what I want”, which only you can answer based… Read more

  • Why do you want to retire?

    That may seem like an obvious thing to answer, like who doesn’t love the idea of not working any longer? But if you really give it some thought it’s not so obvious. Most people may not love their jobs (it’s been said that anywhere between 50-85% of people in the US are not satisfied with… Read more

  • What age do you want to retire?

     And don’t say ASAP… If you are like most people, you would like to retire as soon as possible. Or at least as soon as you can and still be able to sustain a reasonable lifestyle, right? The thing is, we are all a little different – with different backgrounds, careers, and different genetic makeup… Read more

  • Changing your mindset in retirement can mean everything

    Embracing a Positive Mindset in Retirement: Pathways to Happiness Retirement marks a significant transition in life, moving from years of structured work to a phase of newfound freedom. This change, while liberating for some, can be daunting for others. Adopting a positive mindset is crucial for navigating this phase successfully and achieving happiness. Here are… Read more

  • Retirement planning – when to start

    If you wanted to retire right now, would you be able to? What would stop you, is it the money or something else? We all think we want to retire ASAP – but when we start to think more clearly about the reasons we want to retire, it is not as simple as it sounds.… Read more