Whether you are in the planning stages or are ready to retire now, get some tips and helpful advice for a successful retirement life.

Tag: best retirement

  • Retirement – The Unexpected Benefits of Aging: Learn the truth

    It’s been said that aging is one of the most difficult and scary times of peoples lives, mostly because it’s an unknown and we humans are always scared of the unknown. However, it doesn’t have to be that way, and in fact many retirees find that there is a certain amount of freedom that comes… Read more

  • Retirement – The hard truth about finances and having enough

    The question on everyone’s mind when they are looking into retirement, is “do I have enough money”? This question troubles many people, including myself, for some time. But worrying about the problem does nothing to alleviate it, it just adds to the stress in your life and probably adds some grey hair to your head… Read more

  • How to Reinvent Yourself After Retirement

    Reinventing Yourself After Retirement: A New Chapter, A New You Retirement is often seen as the grand finale—the long-awaited golden years of rest and relaxation. But for many, it can also bring uncertainty, boredom, or even a sense of loss. The structure of a career, the social connections made at work, and the daily sense… Read more

  • The Biggest Regrets Retired People Have (and how to avoid them)

    Retirement is often seen as the golden phase of life, where people finally get to relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor. However, for many retirees, it’s also a time of reflection—and for some, regret. As they look back on their lives, they identify missed opportunities, decisions they wish they had made differently, and… Read more

  • Retirement Socializing – How and why to focus on this more

    If you have done any reading at all about the importance of socialization in retirement, you most likely have read that it’s very important for several reasons – better health and longevity, increased happiness overall, and a sure-fire way to beat depression caused by loneliness. While there is a growing body of research suggesting a… Read more

  • Find a hobby in retirement to beat the blues

    When you hear the word hobby, what does it make you think of first? Maybe something like stamp collecting, scrapbooking, reading, things that most people do that are sedentary for the most part. Hey, nothing wrong with being sedentary sometimes, I like to kick back and relax as much as the next person! But after… Read more

  • Are you retiring before or after your spouse?

    Another thing to consider is if you are married, or living together as a couple, have you thought about who might retire first? How does the other person feel about that? For most couples it isn’t practical or convenient to retire at the same time, or even the same year in most cases, unless you… Read more

  • How to maximize your money in retirement

    How can I maximize the money I have? Very carefully, of course! There are ways to make your money last much longer, and once you start to consider retiring it’s a foregone conclusion that you have to start doing exactly that. This is one of the hardest things to get used to for some folks,… Read more

  • Retirement delimma -how long must I keep working?

    So how long must I keep working? That is the question that almost all pre-retirees ask themselves. I struggled over that question as well, being one of the many people who have been in the same job for many years and really couldn’t wait to do something else. But what if money wasn’t the real… Read more

  • Welcome to Retirement for Beginners!

    You have to start somewhere, so you may as well start at the beginning. We all want to know what’s the best time to retire, that seems like something everybody has to decide. But how do you decide exactly when – is it all about the money? There are plenty of books and websites that… Read more