So, you have been working for about 40 years now, give or take a decade or so. Honestly, do you not want to retire at this point? Most people I’ve spoken to get a feeling of total freedom once they have retired, and freedom is the best feeling in the world from what I have been told! (alright, there are some things that feel better temporarily). What is stopping you from joining the club that everyone over 65 wants to join? Fear, that is what. I felt the exact same way for a while, thinking the dumbest things like “what if I get bored” or “what if my life has no meaning without work” – but this an irrational fear that should not get in your way.
If you really think you won’t have enough to stay busy, or challenge yourself, then start to do your research and figure out the best ways to combat this thought. One way of finding new and exciting things to do is to remember when you were a kid, what did you love to do most? Maybe a sport or game, maybe even bike riding, things that kids do all the time but us adults just don’t have time for. Guess what? You now have all the time in the world to do whatever you want to do, and nobody to stop you. If you always wanted to get back in shape again, guess what? Now is the absolute best time to do it, because it will benefit you in so many ways besides just filling your day. Exercise is a great way to feel good about yourself too, giving us a feeling of accomplishment in the process. I’m sure you’ve heard that there are neurotransmitters like dopamine that are release when we have a good workout, and they actually make us feel on top of the world if only for a few hours. The side effects of weight loss, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and better overall health aren’t so shabby either. I highly recommend starting a regular exercise routine, no matter what you do – whether jogging, riding a bike, lifting weights, playing baseball with a local club, it doesn’t matter as long as you’re burning calories and getting those muscles working harder.
Another idea that I personally love is going to the local community college and taking some classes. Perhaps you always wanted to learn more about computers – now is your golden opportunity! Many colleges have reduced cost or even some free classes for seniors, which is quite a bargain and is the best way I know of to keep your mind active.
Some people don’t seem to like the word “retirement”, like it has a negative connotation to it or something. I must say I agree with that notion, now that I think about it! Could we come up with a better word, perhaps one that denotes the newer ways that people are gradually leaving their permanent jobs and becoming something a little freer, metamorphosizing into a somewhat different person in most cases. Something that has more of meaning like transitioning since retirement seems like such as sudden end to something.
If you look it up in the dictionary, here is most likely what you will find: “Withdrawal from one’s occupation or position, especially upon reaching a certain age.” Upon reaching a certain age? You are required to stop working? Not on your life! Not exactly something that makes you feel good about yourself, am I right? I certainly don’t think of retirement that way, and I doubt people in this day and age want to think about it like that either. From here on out we will call it “transitional lifestyle” or TL for short, if you don’t mind. That is what is really happening with most people these days, not just quitting their jobs and signing up for social security and then parking themselves in front of the TV for the next 20 years or so.
Things have really changed in the past century, especially since people are living longer due to better health practices, better medical care, and for the most part less grueling work schedules. Of course, most people in the US don’t work on farms any more, as they did around the turn of the century (1900’s, that is). The only thing about living longer is that we have a much longer period of transition than people did 100 years ago, who would stop working one day and then most likely die shortly afterwards. Luckily most of us don’t have to work until we die any longer, that’s a major improvement! As a matter of fact, the way things are improving, it’s been predicted that many people living now will eventually live well into their 100’s and beyond, thanks to newer discoveries in medicine and genetics. Need a new liver or kidney? No problem, we can just grow one for you. Legs not able to do the job any longer? Let’s make some new ones for you. Maybe it won’t be free, and maybe people with a lot of money will be the only ones taking advantage of these major advances, but I think at some point things will be available for everyone that needs these things.
Yes, it will be a brave new world indeed. Maybe some people will be afraid of these kinds of advances, but I personally think it will be fantastic! More time to really live a healthy life? Sign me up!
The bottom line is, fear of something new is a very real challenge for many if not most people. Don’t let that fear stop you from having the time of your life, by retiring when it’s your time. This is a whole new world to explore, time to do what you want to do for a change. Get busy!
Planning for your retirement can be tricky, and there are questions you have like everyone else. If you want to learn and explore more ideas for yourself, check out my book here for more information:
Happy retirement planning!